How Do You Write a Book? Motivation and a Plan

“Do we have to go to Europe this summer?” a kid asks his mother. “Shut up and keep swimming!” she replies. This was a story my dad liked to tell, and it’s always seemed to me to describe perfectly the experience of trying to figure out how to write a novel while you...

Quick Tip on Navigation of the new BWW

This is just what I’ve been doing that’s working for me. I’ll update my advice as I learn more, and I’d love to know what you’ve been learning about making your way through the new site. 1) First I sign in. 2) Then I click (Activity) and...

Welcome to the Book Writing World, Writer!

I am so excited about this place. But in case you need some help making your way, here are some suggestions for making this a strong site of support for your writing life and the completion of your book: 1. Join both of these public groups: The Writing Life and Goal...

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