How Do You Write a Book? Motivation and a Plan

Apr 29, 2010 | Uncategorized

“Do we have to go to Europe this summer?” a kid asks his mother.

“Shut up and keep swimming!” she replies.

This was a story my dad liked to tell, and it’s always seemed to me to describe perfectly the experience of trying to figure out how to write a novel while you are in the process of actually writing one.

While I was writing my first novel (Shy Girl, FSG and Seal Press), I knew it was my “learning how to write a novel” novel. I figured after I’d written a publishable novel, I’d be set. Problem is, each book is original, replete with its own original problems, its own original learning curve.

Meanwhile, I took a long detour trying to turn myself into a different kind of writer: one who didn’t do so much planning and outlining, for example.

I’ve noticed that creative people put a LOT of energy into re-inventing ourselves. Imagine if, instead, we accepted ourselves and learned to be high functioning, productive writers just the way we are? I learned how to do this the hard way. But I’m willing to save you years of struggle and a heck of a lot of recycled pages.

Check out my free, 12-minute instructional video, Motivation and a Plan, The Best Way to Write and Complete Your Book.

Oh, and I’m offering free coaching to some of the people who leave comments at the site. Let’s set you up for writing success.

Oh, and tell your friends who are writing books . . . or wishing they were!


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