The Single Secret to Writing Success

keyI’m going to tell you the SINGLE SECRET to success that can transform your writing life. I’ve seen it work for published authors and green beginners, and it will work for you.

Trust me?

Do what you already do. That’s it? Well, almost.

Do what you already do and add support.

What inspires you?

Is it deadlines—the kind that has another person standing on the other side waiting for your story? This is what the workshop will provide my writers, and boy does it work.

Is it protected space where you can explore nascent ideas, allowing them room to flourish, surrounded by beauty? Inspiration Day offers just that kind of support and space.

Is it expert guidance as you polish your work until it gleams, knowing it’s ready to face the world, slay dragons and claim its reward? That’s why we’ve set up the Edit for Publication Day.

Is it having a plan, maybe getting some professional help at shaping that plan? Or how about some handholding as you actually take the next step toward building your writing career? Can you say, Submission Action Day?

Is it being in community, surrounded by other brilliant, creative, storytelling minds that inspire you and remind you that you are not alone, that hungry readers await your work? We’ve built the BWW for writers who thrive in conversation, alive in exchange, stimulated by being asked to take seriously this wild abandon, this play of imagination and mind.

It may not be the BWW, but whatever provides support to allow your creativity to flourish, your writing habit to grow strong, your production to steady and your emboldened self to release your magical work to the world—add that to what you already do, the flawed, human process by which we all fumble toward mastery, and you will succeed. You have my word for it.

Stay tuned—summer enrollment opens Thursday and you’ll want to be ready to grab your spot and make this a transformational, wonderfully supported writing season. Check out our offerings now, here.


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