Thank You!

Thanks for signing up for a free sample Craft FUN writing class on change! I’m excited to connect with you on Monday, 5 – 6 pm PT! I will send a Zoom link out Monday.

Tell your friends about this FREE writing class, and send them to sign themselves up for the free class here.

To prepare for Monday’s class: All you’ll need is paper and pen or an open doc on your computer, some water to stay hydrated (writing can make you break a sweat!), and a computer and internet to connect to the class via Zoom. Oh, and a spirit of curiosity and openness–especially towards yourself!

You will receive a video if you signed up, but it would be terrific if you are able to come live-there’s lots of extra fun in being there together, including breakout rooms, and our amazing community.

Join Us! February 1 will launch Craft FUN Transformation, a 10-week romp through all aspects of arc, change, twists and turns, character evolvement and more. The theme of Transformation will not only apply to what we do with our characters and our stories, but with our own feelings and actions about our writing lives. Here’s to a transformative session together. This will include two bonus sessions and a new asynchronous Mondays goal session. This 10-week session is only $375 total, including weekly sessions, videos and handouts, bonuses and weekly goal setting.

*Mark Your Calendar:*

*Bonus #1: Your Next Ten Books: Break out of *this* book, *the* book, and instead mine your creative flow, ease up on your literary monogamy and make some inspiring plans for a brilliant creative career! Recorded live (Join in! Take part!) 

Monday, February 27, 6 – 7 pm. Recording and asynchronous check in also available.

*Bonus #2: Feedback Loop: Using 3 volunteers’ submissions of 300 words, Elizabeth will model the power of “specific, honest praise,” “read questions,” and a thoughtful, provocative reader’s response, this time to edited work. The second part of this session will consist of breakout sessions with small groups–so bring your own 300 words to share!

 March 13, 2023, 6 – 7 pm.

Sign up for the 10-week adventure here:




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