Short Story: Some Questions to Consider

1)    Who is the main character?


2)    Who is the secondary character?


3)    What is the deepest conflict or suffering between these two?


4)    What concrete event could happen to bring out that deepest conflict or problem?
5)    What are some surface conflicts that are also real (matter) between these two?


6)    What outside pressure misunderstand or contort the real conflict?


7)    What does your main character really want that perhaps s/he can never have?


What questions help you get going or do you find you want the answers to either before you begin or in the act of writing? What questions inspire you? What questions scare you?

2 thoughts on “Short Story: Some Questions to Consider”

  1. Richard Darlington

    Found your questions interesting. I think I will try to write something short with them in mind. I wrote a piece for a writing group, but there wasn’t much conflict in it. I think these questions will help spice up a story, I’ll give them a try.

    1. I’m glad the questions spur you on, Richard! Let us know how the new piece comes out. Conflict is definitely what turns life into story . . .

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