The Total Package 2020


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Take Them Both!

A number of people have taken Book in a Year and Craft Class simultaneously, including all of our recently published authors. We want to build on that winning combination and encourage you to think of them as a harmonious pair of stellar supports:

BIAY focuses on big-picture story development and character arc; Craft focuses on the intricacies and inspirations of literary techniques and scene, 

BIAY provides structure, deadlines, goals, and accountability, doing the math so that, step by step, you can realize your greatest dreams and complete your books; Craft provides generative writing exercises that strengthen and professionalize your skills and produce your most powerful prose

BOTH provide a warm, talented community of writers, an atmosphere of mutual encouragement, a passion for story, for language, for books, and a path to success.

We also want you to be able to embrace the coming year, 2020-2021, as one full of transformative possibilities. What if you can look back on this time as the moment where you connected (or deepened your connections) with a brilliant community and hit your stride as a writer? What if you can look back on this year as the glorious period when you finished your book?

To that end, when you sign up for 3 quarters of Craft Class and the year-long Book in a Year course–The Total Package–we will provide three FREE bonuses to bolster the momentum this pairing naturally provides:

First, we will host a meet and greet, where you will connect to the other folks in The Total Package, share inspiration, and strategize for sustaining momentum and joy in the process of writing or revising your book.

Second, Angie and Elizabeth will teach a workshop on the underlying connections between Craft Class and Book in a Year, helping you to make the most of the dynamic opportunities presented by the Total Package.

Finally, early next year, Angie and Elizabeth will offer a day-long generative writing event to launch you into fleshing out the key turning points you’ve learned in your BIAY work on the seven steps via craft exercises. Leave this event with pieces of all the key scenes in your book in hand, powerful new insights on the page into the worlds and characters, their dialog and actions and intentions, brought to life in manuscript form, as you head into drafting your book! If you are revising, this will give you everything you need to strengthen and hone what you’ve already done, and to re-enter with fresh energy where you want to develop or expand your book.

[box type=”bio”] To Purchase, select your payment plan for Book in A Year. Then, review the three Craft Class Options (Tuesday evening, Thursday day, and Thursday evening). Use the check box next to the words “Add for” to make your selection. The price dropdown menu will appear.  [/box]


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