CRAFT Class: Berkeley Tuesday Evening Fall 2018 – Spring 2019

From: $175.00 / month for 10 months

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Create powerful, publishable prose. Write your projects in class. Get immediate, positive and specific response to your in-class writing.

One Payment $1695 (3 Quarters)
Ten Monthly Payments of $175 (3 Quarters)
One Payment $585 (1 Quarter)
Three Monthly Payments of $199 (1 Quarter)
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Every Other Tuesday 6 pm  – 8 pm. In Berkeley on Euclid near Cedar. Limited to 12.

Note: the dates below are subject to change; however, a quarter always includes six classes plus alternate week supplements.
Fall Dates (alternate week meetings and assignment available):
  • 9/4
  • 9/18
  • 10/2
  • 10/16
  • 10/30
  • 11/13
Winter Dates (first date is Berkeley, second is online; alternate week meetings and assignment available):
  • 1/8 & 10
  • 1/22 & 24
  • 1/29 (note: no alternate week between this Berkeley class and last) & 2/7
  • 2/19 & 21
  • 3/5 & 7
  • 3/19 & 21
Spring Dates (alternate week meetings and assignment available):
  • 4/2 & 4
  • 4/16 & 18
  • 4/30 & 5/1
  • 5/14 & 16
  • 5/28 & 30
  • 6/11 & 13
Change: Story is about change, about events that change characters, characters that change each other, about the possibilities of human growth and its failures, too. This year we will write our own powerful and dynamic projects (stories, novels, memoirs, narrative non-fiction), through the lens of change–how it comes to life on the page, how it builds, and how it plays out across story, scene and sentence.
What is craft class? Craft class is a generative writing course. Exercises involve modeling aspects of strong, published prose to suit our own purposes as we write our material, as well as unapologetically reading aloud our work with curiosity. Enthusiastic and specific feedback guides you to build key skills and hone the tools of your vision. A number of craft students have written drafts of stories, essays and books in class that have gone on to be published nationally. And everyone connects to a life-changing strength and originality of voice and perspective. Plus we have a lot of fun in a warm, supportive community.
The class operates as an ongoing writers group, and students are encouraged to sign up for the whole year. Classes are developed in response to the needs of the individuals in the group–you. We become familiar with each other’s work and the struggles and triumphs of our writing lives. Starting in the fall, Craft Class will be offered every other week. On the “off” week, groups are encouraged to gather in person or by computer, to write, and an optional “homework” exercise will be offered to deepen and expand on the theme of the previous week’s class.
Video versions of the class are offered to all participants, so you may make up or retake any class by following along with the video.
  • Single payment for one quarter (6 classes over about 12 weeks plus alternate week supplements and groups; January – March): $585
  • Payment plan for one quarter: $199/ month for three payments

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