Several folks in the Book Writing World juggle parenting and writing (along with the domestic and professional work that supporting a family in various ways requires), and it’s never an easy, settled matter. But using the framework of the Book Writing World courses to set goals, check in, squeeze out a little space for the writing has made, well, a world of difference. I myself have two 3-year-olds, and the see-sawing required to achieve moments of balance–of writing momentum, of parenting peace–has at times left me feeling sea-sick, at other times made me strong. Or maybe those are the same moments.
On Monday, Sept. 6, from 3:30 – 5 p.m. at Totland Park in North Berkeley (an enclosed kids’ playground appropriate for babies, toddlers and, on occasion, some big kids, too), the Book Writing World will host the first Parents Who Write gathering. We will start a conversation about setting and keeping small goals, getting support, nurturing the writing along with the kids . . . We will look at the messages and lessons available in reading certain kids’ books over and over and over again, and share other tips for surviving and thriving as a creative writer and a creative parent.
Please join us. If you are a supportive non-parent who digs hanging out with kids and parents in a somewhat chaotic, creative environment, please join us. If you are a writer and a parent, come share what you’ve learned and what you still don’t know. If you want to write but are too tired to know how to begin, you come, too. Come when nap ends, come when you can get out the door. Bring your kids. Bring your friends who want to write.
RSVP in the comments below or shoot me at email: elizabeth at elizabethstark dot com.
We’ll see you there!
Totland: corner of Virginia and McGee Ave. in Berkeley. A few blocks from the North Berkeley BART.
I will try and come!