![Publicize your dreams and the world will follow](https://bookwritingworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/goals.jpg)
I know that it’s a time of year when everyone is making lots of resolutions. Most people only do this once a year, if that. Can that be enough? Do you remember last year’s resolutions?
Each week in the Book Writing World, we begin by posting our goals for the coming week and checking in about the goals we set the week before.
Each week we are, therefore, reminded of the intentions we had and mindful of what worked and what went awry in our plans. This is tremendously beneficial.
Amazing things happen when you
1) Declare your intentions, publicly/ aloud;
2) Know that you will report back on them, publicly/ aloud;
3) Pay attention to what happens.
Change, in other words, arises out of this routine–declaration, reporting back, paying attention.
What are your goals for the coming week?