• Creator
  • #16680


    End of book: Kanya has left the warehouses and left the stacks of bodies outside the tent settlement. She is very pregnant from when the President Protector raped her. The President Protector is not her father but her mother’s x-boyfriend.

  • Author
  • #16703

    hi thais —

    always enjoy reading the next piece of the kana story! really enjoyed reading the dream sequence at the end of the scene







    Your confidence as a writer has grown tremendously and comes through on the page. You have built a world here and characters and conflict. There is some lovely and powerful imagery here (not withstanding my questions about the final image). As for that final image, maybe this turn in her mood has to be more significant—it is what will keep her going—to matter to me. She seems so strong and determined as she is walking away, even feeling it’s just her and the baby. How, then, does the feeling of not being alone change her and her actions and situation?



    I love the continuing journey of Kanya. I can really see her growing—and not just her belly!








    I don’t think it attached the right one. Trying again.



    Hi Thais,


    So sorry, I apologize for the delay!  I thought I already posted.  I love this piece.  The connection to her child- her mother.  The hope.


    The details are amazing.


    Thank you



    @elizabeth You had a question from my plot change. You asked why I decided to change the Kanya’s father from the Pres. Protector to the protector. There was a love triangle between the Pres. Protector, protector, and Kanya’s mother. I needed a bigger motive for the hatred inside the Pres. Protector. He was betrayed by his closest friends. She fled and the other stayed and the pres. protector disfigured him. Kanya uncovers this story in the book and it allows her to understand why her mother left.

    Do you miss having the Pres. Protector as Kanya’s father?

    I like what you said about the last scene with the circle in the clouds. In my mind the book stops here. But I see that she already is strong when she leaves the tents so why would she need more strength from “God.” Maybe I but the imagery first as she hiking up the hill, and then she waves her final good-bye to her mother.

    Thank you for your comments. I’m looking forward to developing this book beyond what I think that I can do. -Thais

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