Home Forums Winter Salon 2014 – Group 3: Julie, Vijaya, Jody letter to Appa–Vijaya #4, 020914

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  • #16230


    Here is the next segment of my letter to appa. It is a long piece I wrote at the beginning of January and I am parsing section by section for the 500 word limit. Please look for flow; reader’s interest; what else the reader is curious about, etc. Thanks, Vijaya

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  • #16263

    <p style=”margin-bottom: 0in;”><span style=”background: #ffff00;”>Vijaya! I am loving all of this – just thirsting for more more details about all of this, how on earth both your parents did  all this by themselves and together.  The differences between living with some power back home and now working at Holiday Inn. Also fascinated to know how he treated you, what he thought his deficiencies were and how he tried to make it up to you. Loving all this, the details everything, I can really feel all these people and just want to read on and on! Exciting! </span></p>


    I like the parts where there is dissonance between the mother and father. I enjoy the bits of story that you throw at the reader. Although you are addressing your father, it feels more like this is your mother’s story that you are telling. And in fact, to me, the mother’s story is more interesting than the fathers. Also, I feel the attitude and tone of the writer- who feels to me like the mother’s translator- you are telling your father things about your mother that she could never say herself. You are giving her a voice. This is interesting!



    Vijaya—Once again, I began with a lot of questions about the form, about reading a letter addressed to Appa that sometimes seems to tell him things he would know (which makes me think it’s NOT really to him), but then I sink into it. There are so many trails of stories here, many things I wanted to know more about, wanted to experience, wanted to watch unfold. What stories are suggested here! It could be a big book. Or some stories. Right now, I think it’s great that you are mining this material.




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