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  • #16516


    Hi All, I just logged in to read the week’s submissions and see that my post from Sunday isn’t here! Did I somehow post it in the wrong place?? In the wrong group? Let me know if I’m just spacing out and you’ve found it but I’m posting it again just in case. I completely understand if you can’t read it given that it’s Tuesday!! Jean

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  • #16534

    Hi Jean, I started a reply and lost it — anyway — love damp trickle of doubt(imagery),hard metal edges(symbolism),vow of abstinence (hyperbole) the drama of the too revealing daughter’s dress (familiar maternal dilemma, sweet and funny — and yet I’m kind of amazed she would dump it at the Goodwill without asking — seems like she’d know it would be missed),texts (revealing temperament of drama queen daughter), May’s feeling wounded (shows her sensitivity)and the humor of not wanting to tax herself to even bother with his name — says volumes about May.Also seaside wobble — there is something quaint in her way of thinking/speaking/almost from another era. but it is consistent — and makes sense. I can see her not liking cell phones and tv programmers easily. A suggestion: maybe fewer texts — just a zinger or two to get the point across? And sorry to be dense but I don’t know what SRY stands for . . .eager as usual to read more.



    Jean—I love your beautiful writing and May. Isobel is funny, and I love May’s vow of phone abstinence and her almost immediate desire to break it. I am on her side and want something to shift for her. It’s so intriguing to see her go into mom mode and then out again. To juggle all of that.



    I cut one mediation and grappled with some juxtaposed metaphors, but mostly I just want to know what will happen to May!









    Hi Jean,
    I didn’t realize you had posted. I will send you my comments to this piece this week soon! Looking forward to reading more!

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