Five Challenges to Daily Writing Routine

fiveMy goal for this year, as some of you know, is to write every day. I have quantified this (minimum of 500 words) and qualified this (something inventive or in scene).
The goal is consistency, not quality or achievement beyond that. Just dailiness, habit, routine. These have not always been my strong suit, and I know a lot of writers struggle with them for various reasons:

1) Time challenges.

2) Organizational problems a) in the writing process and b) in your physical space

3) Resistance.

4) Fear and judgment in the face of creativity.

5) Temptations that pull us from routine.

2 thoughts on “Five Challenges to Daily Writing Routine”

  1. Pingback: Five Ways to Overcome Resistance | Book Writing World

  2. Pingback: Temptations That Pull Us From Routine | Book Writing World

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