Finish It Returns!

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Finish It! 

Book Revision Course

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Heard of Zeno’s Paradox? It’s a philosophical puzzle about the infinite number of half-way points between where you are and where you want to go. Finishing a book can feel exactly like Zeno’s Paradox.

Finish It! is a revision course for people with a draft–or most of a draft–of a book who are ready to cross the finish line. 

With a team, a guide, and a plan created expressly for your book–based on strong, close readings of what you’ve written–you’ll be able to finish the book-writing marathon strong. Know exactly what has to happen, do it step by step in community, with accountability, structure, and cheerleading. Learn exactly how to get your book out into the world by connecting with agents, publishers, and most importantly, your audience. 

 I am an experienced editor of award-winning, best-selling published authors and promising emerging writers. Three times over the past six years, I’ve run a profoundly impactful book revision course now called Finish It! for people with a book manuscript completed or nearing completion, who want to take it to the next level and move toward getting it into the hands of your future readers.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_toggle title=”What’s Included” admin_label=”What’s Included” _builder_version=”4.4.5″]
  • A full professional critique of your manuscript with detailed notes from me (Elizabeth), plus reading and notes from all the members of your group.
  • A 1 – 1.5 hour group conversation about your book led by me.
  • A half-hour private consultation with me about your book (including making your plan for completion).
  • Laser coaching to keep you on track toward completion of your book (as part of our regular workshop meeting).
  • Three powerful intensives (more about these in the DATES section): 
  • Bonus Workshop 1: Editing for Story and Character, a workshop with special guest Angie Powers
  • Bonus Workshop 2: Editing for Sentence and Scene, including my analysis of the strengths and growth opportunities in your writing, based on a submitted sample.
  • PLUS Bonus Workshop 3: the Polish and Publish Workshop to set you on the path to finishing and releasing your book into the world.
  • The incredible learning opportunity of reading and discussing other writers’ books with them. People learn SO much from this aspect of the course about improving their own books.
  • Regular checklists so you can apply ALL the lessons of each workshop to your own book.
  • And always, the BWW community, with 24/7 forums for any questions you have and a weekly goals check-in forum thread.
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As we launch into summer, we will begin to read each writer’s manuscript. We will meet for 2.25 hours once a month to check in about your individual goals and progress, and to discuss one full manuscript: 

June 20* morning: Editing for Story and Character 

June 20* afternoon: Editing for Scene and Sentence

July 25: (submit ms June 28)

Aug. 22: (submit ms July 26)

Sept. 26: (submit ms Aug. 23)

Oct. 24 (submit ms Sept. 27)

NOTE: No class in Nov.

Dec. 5* (submit ms Nov. 8)

Jan. 16 (submit ms Dec. 6)

Feb. 20 (submit ms Jan. 17) 

March 20 (submit ms Feb. 18)

April 17 (submit ms March 21)

May 15 (submit ms April 18)

June 5: The Polish and Publish Intensive

All classes and workshops meet one Saturday a month, 10:00 am – 12:15 pm PT (via Zoom, recorded). Through October, classes generally meet on the fourth Saturday of the month. We meet once in Nov./ Dec., and then move to the third Saturday of the month starting in January. Two exceptions to this pattern are marked with an asterix–please take a look. Also, though I seldom do it, I reserve the right to change dates as needed.

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Where Do You Fit In?

If your book is almost ready, you should ask to be slotted early in the course. If your book is well launched, but you need the fabulous push of a real-life deadline, sign up for one of those later months. Those who receive their critique early will spend the remaining months making the final changes and beginning the submissions process. Those who go later will finalize their initial drafts during the course with have the power of the group and that deadline to ensure that manuscript is completed, and will leave with complete notes on the manuscript and a detailed plan to finish the book!

My professional, thorough edit will include marginal notes, a detailed endnote and, following our workshop and your chance to review my comments, answers to any questions in a private half-hour conversation with me.

Clarify the structure of your book, strengthen each scene, and polish each sentence. We will edit and discuss your submissions as a way to understand the art of editing story, scene and sentence. Leave with a complete, personalized diagnosis of what to focus on in making your writing professional and excellent.

For each manuscript we read, I will create a Checklist that shows you how to apply what you learn from reading this other writer’s work directly to improving your own. It is often much easier to understand story problems, character development issues and even questions of style when we see them in others’ work than it is to spot them in our own. This workshop environment will provide incredible growth for every writer involved, and with my coaching, you will become a powerful editor of your own work. This is the most important tool a writer can have. It will free you in your early drafting as well as save you at the end.

This is more than a full MFA program offers. Some people pay $50,000 – $150,000 for this kind of attention and focus on their writing, and few of them leave with a book ready to deliver to agents.

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One-time payment: $2795

Quarterly Payment Plan: $750/ quarter

12 Monthly Payments Plan: $260/ month for 12 months

PLEASE NOTE: Edit of up to 70,000 word manuscript is included in the price; if you want to submit more, the cost is $0.03/word beyond 70k. The maximum word count, with additional fee, is 95k.

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I last taught this course three years ago, and I am NOT raising the prices this year! I probably won’t teach the course next year, and I will not offer it at this price again.

Open until full–rolling admissions . . . LIMIT: 10

Use the form below to apply for your space now! 



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Finish It!: A Book Revision Workshop and Publication Preparedness Year 2020 - 2021

Use this form to apply for the Book Launch Revision Program

  • Please choose three possible dates for submission and critique for your book. Note: Dates are pretty reliable, but I reserve the right to make changes to the schedule if absolutely necessary. However, your book will be discussed in the month assigned. Each group will not read a book each month, but between the two groups, there will be about one book critique about every month except November. Please choose three in order of preference and stay flexible. Thanks!
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.
    You may only upload files in .doc, .docx or .pdf format.

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Elizabeth is one of the most insightful, comprehensive, and generous editors I know. She’s especially astute in pinpointing where a manuscript needs work, and she offers her suggestions in ways that inspire.

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–Lucy Jane Bledsoe, award-winning author of A Thin Bright Line and Lava Falls.

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Elizabeth brings her gigantic understanding of story to your story, ushering forth a better plot, better character, better word. And what you have, then, is something more complex and engaging, something that entertains and mystifies and lingers. The best story you can write.

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–Nina Schuyler, award-winning author of The Translator.

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Join the Book Writing World’s newsletter for inspiration!

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