Last week I wrote about Desire in story. It might be helpful to think about your desire to write, as well. How much do you want it? What’s in its way? How do you support it? Think about how you feel when you love it, when you sneak in the time for it because you are driven to connect with that part of you. There are ways you can nourish that desire, to strengthen it against the obstacles that life provides, the one-two punch of plot the world keeps thrusting our way. The ways will be yours. Mine are getting up in the morning when the critic and the kids and even the dog are still asleep. Feeding and freeing the imagery with poetry. Having ready readers, deadlines, writing buddies to sit with in cafes or even in virtual hangouts. Reading. Knowing the night before what scene I’ll write in the morning. Going to bed on time so I can wake up at that sacred hour. But what feeds your desire to write? What says yes to it, just the pleasure itself?