day 22 of MyNaPoWriMo (write a poem a day)

“Lucy in the sky with diamonds”

Sherri was the one to steal her brother’s
comic book, cut out the Peanut girl

body and place it in the slideshow. 
The popular girls chatted and snickered 

while I tore through cellophane to make 
a plasticine porter; together 

we made a perfect grade for the team – 
rolling our eyes as we brought up their GPAs. 

“I’ve got brothers, I’m always doing 
somebody else’s homework,” she said.

Those pretty girls didn’t say please or thank you 
so Sherri and I smiled at them and baked

them brownies and laughed all the way home
as they tested positive and got suspended.
Heard the beatles song on the radio today and couldn't help but remember.....


1 thought on “day 22 of MyNaPoWriMo (write a poem a day)”

  1. made me smile and remember, as well… love the stanza break at “baked” 🙂 and the sound and image of “plasticine porter”

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