day 18 of mynapowrimo (write a poem a day for a month)

Woman as night

The changes were subtle, twilight 
to dusk to midnight, hour by hour, 

light gradually fading until darkness 
was so vivid she could not even 

see the hands in front of her – 
suddenly immense, she was everywhere 

at once, seeing all and being seen 
but strangely free to move and listen,

and was comforted how people stared
up at her and did not look away; 

as the light crept up from the horizon
she felt herself diminish slowly 

until she was but shadows under 
bridges in the cold dawn air.
today i was wishing for the cloak of invisibility and wonder
woman's golden lasso....

2 thoughts on “day 18 of mynapowrimo (write a poem a day for a month)”

  1. Sorry…I’ve been having a hard time connecting to your blog and to the internet in general. Hope this goes through…

    I love how your second line slows down the transformation and how the third line withholds the expected change, too…

    I loved the paradox and linebreak of “darkness/was so vivid”

    And your last couplet…wow. I love your last lines in your poems. “Shadows under/bridges in the cold dawn air. The image made me feel a chill, but it also felt anything but nothingness. I felt all that life under the shadow…

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