Book Writing World is Open!

Book Writing World is OPEN!

It’s been tremendously exciting to connect with the passion of the writers who are getting ready to jump into the Book Writing World to finish and sell their books!  Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful, insightful and sometimes funny comments.

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I’m a lot like you. We both want to write books that mean to our readers what books have meant to us. We want to dazzle. To captivate. And we are not staring out of garret windows waiting for inspiration to strike. We’re driving kids around, working cubicle jobs, battling the publishing industry, loading in the next round of laundry, wondering what happened to our New Year’s resolution to exercise. How are we going to finish our books this year?

Not a Sprint – A Marathon … With Friends
If you read my blog post of a couple years ago, “How NaNoWriMo Trumped a Published Novel, an M.F.A. and Fifteen Years of Teaching and Made Me a Writer” you’ve followed my journey to find a year-round community, with daily momentum, craft mastery and market success for writers at its heart.

And now I have it—because I built it. Drawing on everything I’ve learned in twenty years of studying and teaching writing and on the momentum I gained by first writing a manuscript in 30 days and then guiding groups of writers through planning, drafting and revising their own books, I’ve developed a remarkable system.

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Not a Forumla – A Path
My system is flexible enough to accommodate the working styles and predispositions of the full range of writers. It’s not a formula. It’s a path. A smart path. And it works. It works well enough that my clients told me it needed to be available year round to people who want not only to have written but who want to be writers. To write a book. And then another. To see that book in the windows of bookstores, on library shelves, in the hands of your readers.

We are an Olympic Team of courageous souls come together, a place where you commit to your project out loud and crow when you’ve typed your words for the day. And not just for a weekend retreat or a month-long sprint or an eight-week course or even a two-year master’s degree program. This is a life-long odyssey, a journey of such rich possibilities and practices that only a world available on the other side of your screen when you look up from your book itself could offer what’s needed to succeed.

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And of course – It’s Guaranteed
If you participate in the BWW and you aren’t satisfied, let us know in the first 30 days and get your money back. Nothing complicated. Try out the BWW, sit in on coaching calls, use the bonuses, push yourself. And if you don’t feel – if you don’t KNOW – that your writing has moved, improved and that you’re closer to the completion of your book, one email and you get your money back.

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What About Those Bonuses?
It wouldn’t be an event without at least some door prizes – and we are really jazzed about these bonuses:

The first ten people to sign up will get a free space in my weekend writing retreat/ character-and-plot workshop.

The first twenty will get a free space in filmmaker and tech wizard Angie Powers’ “make your own book trailer the easy way” webinar.

And that doesn’t even include the regular benefits of being a member. Are you ready to write your book?

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1 thought on “Book Writing World is Open!”

  1. Pingback: | Blog | Book Writing World is LIVE: Join Now

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