
Elizabeth Stark is the author of the novel Shy Girl (FSG, Seal Press) and co-director and co-writer of several short films, including FtF: Female to Femme and Little Mutinies (both distributed by Frameline). She earned an M.F.A. from Columbia University in Creative Writing. Currently the lead mentor and teacher at the Book Writing World, she’s taught writing and literature at UCSC, Pratt Institute, the Peralta Colleges, Hobart & William Smith Colleges and St. Mary’s College. She’s just finished a novel about Kafka.

Stuck and Staring v. Fast and Flowing by Amy Truncale (Plus a Conversation about Editing)

Just so we are all on the same page, the Fool of the Tarot deck is the hero of The Hero’s Journey. This is no coincidence. It occurs to me that most of my blog posts are about the same thing from a slightly different metaphoric angle.  In fact, any old metaphor will do.  I

Stuck and Staring v. Fast and Flowing by Amy Truncale (Plus a Conversation about Editing) Read More »

Yesses and Nos: 5 Steps to Being a Creative Spirit and a Professional Writer

There are a few key actions you must take regularly to build and sustain a writing life. 1)   You must—it seems obvious, and yet—you must write. 2)   You must then, after a time, reread what you write and make it better. Other eyes are helpful in this process, some would say absolutely necessary. But your

Yesses and Nos: 5 Steps to Being a Creative Spirit and a Professional Writer Read More »

7 Guideposts for Writing and Editing Powerful Dialog (plus free coaching in the comments)

Cross-currents and misdirection: More than one topic/ agenda will be happening at the same time. Stir these various currents, let them bump into and ruffle each other. Characters, like human beings, rarely answer each other back and forth in a systematic, logical format. Each line of dialog is that character’s action in order to effect

7 Guideposts for Writing and Editing Powerful Dialog (plus free coaching in the comments) Read More »


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