
Elizabeth Stark is the author of the novel Shy Girl (FSG, Seal Press) and co-director and co-writer of several short films, including FtF: Female to Femme and Little Mutinies (both distributed by Frameline). She earned an M.F.A. from Columbia University in Creative Writing. Currently the lead mentor and teacher at the Book Writing World, she’s taught writing and literature at UCSC, Pratt Institute, the Peralta Colleges, Hobart & William Smith Colleges and St. Mary’s College. She’s just finished a novel about Kafka.

Low Stakes

I realized when we were making Angie’s short film that there is something wonderful, in life if not in story, about low stakes. For me, film is like my dog, while writing is like my children. I love my dog—way more than I thought I would when we got him “for the kids.” But I […]

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Balance: Interiority and Exteriority in Writing and the Writing Life

Interiority is what is going on in the minds of your characters: thoughts, memories, ideas, daydreams. Interiority is what is “inside” versus what is external or exteriority: action, gesture, setting, description. Writing interiority is at first pass, for some of us, easier and more pleasurable than recording imagined or remembered scenes. Is that true for you? Interiority is that

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