
Elizabeth Stark is the author of the novel Shy Girl (FSG, Seal Press) and co-director and co-writer of several short films, including FtF: Female to Femme and Little Mutinies (both distributed by Frameline). She earned an M.F.A. from Columbia University in Creative Writing. Currently the lead mentor and teacher at the Book Writing World, she’s taught writing and literature at UCSC, Pratt Institute, the Peralta Colleges, Hobart & William Smith Colleges and St. Mary’s College. She’s just finished a novel about Kafka.

A Community of Readers: A Look at Workshop by Elizabeth Stark

What is a writers’ workshop? What does such a critique and conversation do for the writer, and how should readers approach their task? You probably have your own answers to these questions, based on your own experiences with workshops and how good or bad they’ve been. One of the most important things a workshop does […]

A Community of Readers: A Look at Workshop by Elizabeth Stark Read More »

Withholding and Revealing: What You Tell and When You Tell It by Elizabeth Stark

In this week’s writing classes we are playing with those moments in a story when something is revealed or withheld. These are two sides of the same coin. In April, I was reading Colum McCann’s story “Transatlantic” in The New Yorker (see links below) and came across a remarkable moment. Well, really two moments. Two veterans

Withholding and Revealing: What You Tell and When You Tell It by Elizabeth Stark Read More »

Writing is Rewriting . . . and Rewriting . . . and Rewriting . . . by Elizabeth Stark

I am deep in a final revision (final, that is, until the next round–led, I hope, by editors who want to publish my book or, if must be, by my agent) of my novel-in-progress. I thought I’d share a bit about my process for editing myself. Devi, our blog editor, recently re-published some of my posts

Writing is Rewriting . . . and Rewriting . . . and Rewriting . . . by Elizabeth Stark Read More »

Letter to Myself: Remembering What You Love About Your Writing: by Elizabeth Stark

This evening I will meet with my writing group to discuss the overhaul of my manuscript. Did it work? Is it better than the earlier version, worse or just different? What’s missing? What doesn’t make sense? What threads did I start and neglect to finish? Do they buy it? Did they love it? What will

Letter to Myself: Remembering What You Love About Your Writing: by Elizabeth Stark Read More »


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