
Elizabeth Stark is the author of the novel Shy Girl (FSG, Seal Press) and co-director and co-writer of several short films, including FtF: Female to Femme and Little Mutinies (both distributed by Frameline). She earned an M.F.A. from Columbia University in Creative Writing. Currently the lead mentor and teacher at the Book Writing World, she’s taught writing and literature at UCSC, Pratt Institute, the Peralta Colleges, Hobart & William Smith Colleges and St. Mary’s College. She’s just finished a novel about Kafka.

The Blank Page and Other Spaces: Finding Silence by Elizabeth Stark

I think and write about writing as facing the blank page. These days it’s more likely to be the white rectangle with an electronic backdrop of gray, toolbar above and dock below. A torturous invitation: what do you have to say? A playground of space to be filled. For a time I used large sketchbooks,

The Blank Page and Other Spaces: Finding Silence by Elizabeth Stark Read More »

Five Writing-Related Lessons I Learned This Week “Modeling Masters:” by Elizabeth Stark

I just created a new, free class in the form of a three-part guide to “Modeling Masters,” and I want to share with you some of the lessons I learned or remembered in the creation of this product. 1)   Pieces. Breaking down what you do intuitively into steps you can teach and transfer to someone

Five Writing-Related Lessons I Learned This Week “Modeling Masters:” by Elizabeth Stark Read More »

The Big Picture: Goals, Lists and Books: by Elizabeth Stark

As some of you know well, the author Thaisa Frank will be visiting the Book Writing World this week, on Thursday, 5 – 6 p.m. to talk about craft, the writing life and her new collection, Enchantment, a book full of a diverse array of long and short fiction, some surreal, some autobiographical, some both

The Big Picture: Goals, Lists and Books: by Elizabeth Stark Read More »

The First Day of Kindergarten and Other Tricks for Writers: by Elizabeth Stark

Next week, my kids start kindergarten. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What I remember about mine in that the teachers were on strike—that day and for six more weeks. There is a photograph of me, in a leotard, sitting with my father on the cement barrier that lined the lawn and curved

The First Day of Kindergarten and Other Tricks for Writers: by Elizabeth Stark Read More »


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