S is for Shine

Oct 14, 2019 | Impractical Alphabet, Uncategorized

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.”

Such a modest, yet all-out ambition. You don’t need a bigger light, someone else’s light, a best-selling light, a more commercial light, a light that will let you quit your job, a light that outshines someone else’s light or the streetlight or the moon. You don’t need a perfect light or a light to end all lights. You just need this little light of yours. You don’t need to use that light to gain approval or riches or to do the work of the sun or to provide all the light in your circle, family or relationship. You don’t need your light so other people won’t have to use up theirs or to prove something or to do what light cannot do.

Just let it shine. Illuminate. Show us what is there, what is true. Burn with the human-sized, lovely brightness that is you. Let it. Don’t force it, make it, insist upon it, struggle for it, despair of it. Your little light is already a warm, necessary glow, golden and revealing. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.


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