First Loves

First Loves

First Loves Most of us get writers’ block. A lot. Then, inexplicably, the urge to clean the kitchen or watch bad TV takes over and before you can blink twice, the sun has set and another day has disappeared… The key to overcoming the experience of not being able to...
Back to the Future, BWW style

Back to the Future, BWW style

Today is the “ides” of January, 2012. A good a day as any to start my new job as “Blog Editor” at the BWW. Elizabeth asked me recently, during our BWW workshop class, to go back to my favorite books, as a way of solving a problem that I’m having with plot in my...

What the Heck is Going On Here?

I asked the members of the BWW classes to describe what goes on in the Book Writing World, and here are some of their replies: “Monday Master Class: zero in on brush strokes, in the way an art student might examine, and therefore learn from, an impressionistic...

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