day 24 of MyNaPoWriMo (Write a poem a day)

Nov 24, 2011 | Magazine Vol. 1

Harpies don’t speak Hindi, either

There are no words for thank you 
and goodbye in her language; 

no words for harpies in Hindi 
or what to say when they land 

with a thud on the rooftops 
and interrupt our lunch hour and fourth 

period. Here is what we don’t
know about them, when we use 

the U.N. for translation: whether
or not they understand “please”

 or “no;” what to say about their horns, 
their squawking, their affinity 

with ravens and vultures, places
that are dark and warm and inviting.

James Black inspired me to use google translator to finish this poem!


  1. James Black

    Love it! Props to Poets & Writers for the helpful writing prompt.

  2. Jen Dracos-Tice

    what’s the prompt?

    • Devi Laskar

      to use google translator to “remake” your poem

  3. James Black

    Here’s a link to P&W’s prompts, which you can also have delivered to you via email:

    It’s the poetry prompt for November 21. Basically, use Google translator to translate a poem (yours or someone else’s) into another language, then translate it back. At least a few of the lines will be worded differently. Use one of the revised lines to start a new poem.

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