day 10 of mynapowrimo (write a poem a day for a month!)

Nov 10, 2011 | Magazine Vol. 1

Circe holds a press conference

Her skirt flourished as she sat down, maroon lipstick
close the microphone, smiling  a conspiracy.

“All men are swine,” she said, her tone a low train 
approaching a tunnel. Every time she repeated 

the phrase, her face grew brighter; her eyes danced 
as the cameras crashed to the ground and hooves clattered 

on the tile. The female reporters looked bewildered 
as she spoke at length about how she had taken time 

to perfect things, how there were no men like Odysseus 
anymore, there was no love left in the world;

and how the women of the world would come 
to champion her, perhaps elevate her status 

among women. It could have been a scene out 
of an Orwell book except that it wasn’t.

I have to say that watching ESPN and hearing about the Penn St.
thing has made my stomach crawl....


  1. Lea Kuntz

    I love this. When my daughter was 14, she wrote an amazing poem about Penelope, about what she really said to Odysseus when he came home and wanted to leave again.


  2. Leslie Rodd

    This is SO GOOD, Devi! And I love the connection to the abuse cases at Penn State. You are a true artist/writer/poet!

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