Super-powerful Bad Guys: Thoughts for Writers

Super-powerful Bad Guys: Thoughts for Writers

“You underestimate the power of the dark side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny.” Darth Vader Charlie is reading Dragon Ball Z number 23. The bad guy, a chubby genie named Boo, is causing balls of energy to hurl bodies and enact destruction....
Announcing Our New Podcast! Story Makers

Announcing Our New Podcast! Story Makers

We are so excited to announce the launch of our new show. Story Makers is a podcast that features in-depth conversations with accomplished writers, filmmakers and industry experts about story craft, technique, habit and survival–everything you need to know to...

Bad Writing: The Secret to All Writing

“A day of bad writing is always better than a day of no writing.” Don Roff This morning I remembered my own advice to my students: Write badly. You’ve heard it before (famously, Anne Lamott’s Shitty First Drafts), but have you ever tried? Really tried? Do your best to...

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